Lough Kinale

Twórca: The Discovery Programme

Lough Kinale formed one module of the Discovery Programme's Lake Settlement Project. The study examined the archaeology of Lough Kinale from the Mesolithic to the present. Lake archaeology is an under-studied aspect of Irish archaeology and this book is designed to contribute to a better understanding of that topic.
The online image collection comprises images taken from the volume C. Fredengren, A. Kilfeather and I. Stuijts, Lough Kinale: studies of an Irish lake (Dublin, 2010).
See collection >
The North Munster Project

The main focus of the North Munster Research Project was, using the known archaeological record as a foundation, to achieve a detailed view of the processes and changes involved within later prehistory (The Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, c.1000BC-100BC). This landscape study draws on a wider time frame spanning the Middle Bronze Age to the end…

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